Oakshire Trails - Pueblo, CO - December 1-14, 2015 Update

As the end of November brought with it plenty of snow, Monday morning meant that we were shoveling the building slab clear, and by the end of the day it was ready to go.

On Tuesday, the electricians completed the temporary installation of two power boats to service future work inside the building. The crane arrived later in the morning and set the elevator hoist beam. It remained for the rest of the day, setting as much steel as possible before daylight ran out.

Wednesday saw our weekly safety coordination meeting, followed by more grout work on the east stair as well at steel setting. The steel continued to be laid through Thursday, and more scaffolding must be removed before they can continue setting.

We finished out the week completing the connection from the water main to the fire line as well as the sewer connection. The following week, we were to focus on the design of the trusses.

On Monday, the masons removed the scaffolding on the east stair as scheduled and finished the grout work there.

Going into the middle part of the week, we passed storm water and safety inspections, as well a steel inspection on Wednesday.

We have been receiving truckloads of lumber over the past several weeks to begin placement of the trusses. Once we complete our design planning for their placement, we can move forward with their installation, which we have already begun on the east side of the building.

Check back with us soon for a new update on our progress!